Log 20

I’m in an Airbnb in Chapel Hill affectionately described as “shabby chic” but it’s mostly shabby. In the kitchen, a stock photo of a piece of crab meat dripping with butter hangs above two culturally questionable red buddha statues. We’ve got to start bullying people again.

Now that I’m not tied to a place or schedule, I’ve been oscillating between extreme rest and random bouts of panic. So I’m doing things… audiobooks, 10k steps, revising my resume… Supplements, meditation, liters of water. Forward, forward, forward.

This is the first period of rest I’ve had since leaving my job two months ago. There’s been an overwhelming amount of change but I’m scared to stand still. A friend mentioned that it seems like I’ve been trying to “figure things out” since he’s known me and I was taken aback. Isn’t that what we’re all doing?
